So it’s that time of year – you’ve drawn up your resolve to do this, that and the other. This was the easy part, the fun bit.
Now a couple of weeks into the new year and already, sticking to plans seems to be a tad bit challenging.
Here are a few simple but powerful techniques to help you navigate this tricky period between writing down your goal and actually realizing it.
Let’s dive in.
1. Focus on the Routine rather than the Goal
Sure, it starts with choosing a goal, but the path to the goal is forming a routine of habits that lead to the goal. And then sticking to the routine. For example, if you plan on losing weight this year, you may have joined a gym or dance class and have planned to eat right. It’s now important to focus on making it to the gym regularly and giving each meal a good thought rather than constantly think about your weight. Once you select a goal, put it aside and focus on the routine itself.
2. Schedule your routine
Once you’ve planned out a routine to achieve your big goal, it becomes imperative to nail down a specific day/time to perform it. Consistency is key. A friend who is a busy mom with a full-time job still finds the time to blog regularly. Her routine is to write after the family has retired for the day Every single day, once she’s done with dinner, kids homework, and other trappings of being mom, she sits down at her computer and writes – thus staying consistent.
3. Find an Accountability Buddy
Not just a gym buddy or a running mate, but someone you subconsciously feel answerable to. This person would keep you from falling off the wagon. One of my dance students turned her aunt into her accountability buddy. Their deal was that the student would put in her practice time every day of the week, and that weekend her aunt would drive her across town to this fabulous bakery for a special treat. Based on an honor system, it worked wonders and I could see the difference it made to my student’s progress in her training.
4. Break down goals into smaller achievable sub-goals
“How do you eat an elephant? Bite by bite.”
Your goal may look daunting at the beginning. By breaking it up into smaller goals it becomes less challenging and more doable. I started my year with the daunting task of choreographing 8 intricate dances in a short period of time. But then once I focus on one dance, one paragraph, one line of the song, it dissolves to a comfortable and achievable level. And I know I will get my 8 dances done in good time.
5. Anticipate Hurdles
Life happens. No matter how disciplined you are there will be days when your routine is tossed up. If you plan ahead for these intrusions you can still come out ahead. For example, if you are on a healthy eating streak and know there’s a party coming up where you will face a tantalizing table, you can ensure you are well filled up before you get there. Should you enjoy the goodies – hey, live a little – you can plan your diet to shave off some calories the next day. Consciously managing such moments will help you stay on your path towards your chosen goal.
6. Reward Yourself
A couple of years ago, a friend of mine, resolved to shed 8 pounds within the year. She was committed to her goal and went about it in a well-disciplined manner. For every pound she lost she treated herself to a massage. My friend loved a good massage, and it helped her stay the course and remain committed to shedding the next pound. She had set up something for every half a pound too! Rewards serve up positive enforcement and help build momentum for the next milestone towards your goal.
In a nutshell, here are a few simple but effective tips to help you stay the course towards your goal.
1. Commit to a routine
2. Schedule your routine
3. Get yourself an accountability buddy.
4. Break down goals into smaller sub-goals.
5. Anticipate obstacles and plan for them
6. Reward yourself at every milestone.